Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Not Enough

Two things that neither matter nor would make an actual difference in life and would never be enough are “knowing” and “wanting”. You may know a million things and you may want even more so, it doesn’t matter, not to anyone and even to yourself, it’s gonna do you no good. If you really know something, if it’s really absorbed in you and you truly want it too, make a move, do something about it, and just procrastinating on the basis of the fact that you know you can do it, doesn’t make it happen because again “knowing is not enough” also I believe “something that can be done at any time will at the end not be done at all” and someone once told me “You may judge yourself all you want on the basis of what you can do but the world is always gonna judge you on what you have done and theres by all odds a difference between the two.”

You may love it to the core, you may want it more than anything in the whole wide world and you may know all too well that you can’t have it, won’t do you any good, because neither knowing that you can’t have it will keep you from wanting it, nor wanting it will let you actually have it and the circle will go on and on until the fate -and trust me fate knows no emotional borders (and just to stay optimistic – optimistic to the limit of foolishness as I call it -still, fate knows no borders at all ;) )- will snatch it away from you with just a blink of those eyes, those glowing, gleaming beautiful eyes of yours, from right under your nose and you would be able to do nothing, absolutely nothing at all regardless of all your knowing and wanting. As the clock ticks, and as this sand of time keeps slipping down my fingers, densing this void inside, the fear, the dread keeps mounting, the fear of losing, losing this amazingness that I’m currently living through, and despite knowing it all, I still want it to the core, and worse, I know theres nothing I can do about it.

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