Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Two Things

I once read, “One can do anything if he really wants to.”
I have lived my life believing this lie, but trust me you all, it is not as true as it seems. Yes, you should put your 100 percent in what you believe, in what you believe is right and worthy of it but there is no guarantee that you'll actually be able to do it or that you'll reap any fruit out of it because like I always say, life doesn't provide any guarantees or warranties. There are two things one must keep in mind. First, you are only a reflection of God, not God himself, so do not try to play the God, 'cause you can't. There are things that are in your control and there are things that aren't so don't flatter yourself by trying to take everything in your hand believing that you can handle it all, because you cannot. Period. At times, though, you may, but also at times you may not so keep both the possibility in your mind. Put in your complete effort and then leave the matter in the Almighty One's hands, and believe you me he is greater than your greatest imagination, thus can handle it all and once you have left all your precious effort in the safest hands then for your own mental stability's sake, relax! rather than worrying your brains out on something that you no longer have any control over. Don’t torment yourself by pushing yourself over the edge. Cut yourself some slack. God himself said that he does not put burden upon a person beyond his level of tolerance, which means that every person has a certain level of tolerance and there is no reason why you should believe or force yourself to act otherwise and excruciate yourself to insanity by putting too much pressure because it would make you mentally unstable.
Second, (the following theory was presented to me by The Teacher) the environment around you speaks to you in morse-code, learn to decipher it. If you have been trying and trying and doing all you can but things still won't work; know that the environment is telling you to halt! To take a break, to give it some time, and I have already dedicated half of the post “A Realization” to the importance of time, to giving time it’s due share and the importance of it which concludes to the fact that “time” is required in healing, ripening, and maturing of every phenomenon, person, wound, problem and relationship. If one you have tried everything with absolutely every method and your issue still wouldn’t get anywhere, give the thing some time, maybe that is all it needs, rather all you need to refresh your mind and start looking into thing in a whole new dimension and to be able to see the picture from a whole new perspective which was earlier obscured to you due to mounting tension in your head which didn’t let you concentrate on any other visible side of it.
So to conclude the idea in a nutshell – Do not push yourself beyond your saturation point, it doesn’t prove how strong you are but how insecure you are to share your difficulties, which helps in no way other than complicating matters even further because you can’t do everything on your won, each and every one of us need help; there is a series of reasons why human being is called “social animal”. Also listen to your environment as it speaks to you.
Lastly, unlike the Almighty One and Love; Human beings are “time”, “space” and “distance” bound and there is no denying to it.
(Denial is only a defense mechanism anyway and does not help in any constructive manner.)

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