Thursday, 24 March 2011

Reality of Fear

Fear is merely a state of mind. One who has anything to lose, has the fear of losing it and when theres nothing to lose, theres nothing to be afraid of. The most fearful person is he, who has the fear of losing that which he doesn't posess but values, it gives a combination of the fear of losing and the insecurity of not posessing. The former because one makes unspoken commitments and the latter because one is afraid that somebody else might get steal it away.
Fear is not that of dark, but of the unknown. People are not afraid of speaking, they're afraid of contradiction. One is not fearful of trying again but of getting hurt again. Sometimes we're not afraid of asking, but we're just afraid because we know the answer and dread it. One is never afraid of loving, but of not being loved back. Though all my life I accepted it for a fact but I've realized now that I'm not afraid of height, I'm just afraid of falling, and I'm not afraid of confession because I know my truth, and that I am speaking and portraying it at all times.

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