They're silent not because they don't have anything to say but because they have so much to say, they don't know where to start from. She is staring ahead and she knows that hes staring back from somewhere far beyond her horizons, from behind these veils of distance and a surge of uncertain thoughts ran through her head, "Does he want to talk? Is there the slightest bit of a something that he might be wanting to say? Is it only me or is he as restless? Does it matter to him as much as it does to me?" She cries his name in a bare whisper and stretches out her hand. She wants him to listen, she wants him to understand the unspoken, shes aware that he has the potential to, he has been doing it for a while now. If only they could tangibly be in the tender presence of one another, how different the world would seem, how many more colors that would add to the universe or would the addition merely be to her perception? Shes not sure, shes not sure of anything anymore owing to the drastic turns her life has taken in these past couple of months; it was like some revelations of realizations have descended down upon her from the heavens above, but shes even not sure as to take these as a blessing or as an encumbrance, for shes convinced now that ignorance, by all definitions is indeed a bliss, and once out of this bestial, yet protective obscurity, there is no going back, and now shes out.
One thing she can say for sure now is that there is nothing like being sure. She has experienced it all her life and this time it has hit her in the face, in the most substantial of its forms that every time she convinces herself of being sure of what is going to happen next and the road ahead seems smoother than a glass surface, she begins to accelerate, just about then there is always a speed bump waiting ahead. So yea coming back to the point there is nothing like being sure, and shes sure of it!
With the stampede of all these thoughts she is still staring ahead at his immovable, representative-of-his-presence face, and though there is a tug-of-war going on inside her between wanting to say something out of love and fidgety and holding back due to a number of complicated reasons the most prominent of which being that she doesn't want to hurt him even at the cost of her life, and she knows, the more they converse, the closer they get (if getting any closer was possible) and in the long-run more it'll hurt; there was still a sort of solace in her heart, knowing that he is there, even if not actually there, but in someway, shes reminded of the very beautiful lines of the song "Iris" that they once shared "I give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow.." She smiled and at that precise moment he went away, and though her heart downed with his departure, she felt like they shared a goodbye moment with those verses. So she went back to doing the only possible thing she could do, wait..