Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or Death

We hear the word “revolution” and we directly think of ideas like, “liberty equality fraternity or death” however that has not been the case always, not every “revolution” resulted thus and not each will. Today revolution is yet again a façade created to evoke feelings of genuine passion in oppressed men, only to deceive them out of the frying pan into the fire.

If you read a few books on the three decades of The Afghan war, you will see what people are capable of doing in the name of “revolution”, “religion” and “freedom.” Khaled Hossaini in his international bestseller “The Kite Runner” wrote that when the Talibans overthrew Soviet Army to take over Afghanistan, people went insane of happiness, so much so, that they went into the streets and danced of joy. Alas! Their joy was not a lasting one because the new government was still worse than the former; although they claimed to have brought about “revolution” in the poor annihilated country.

As a mere mortal of limited experience of the world, I take no liberty of being a judge of right against wrong, nevertheless, ruthless massacre of helpless children in the name of sacrifice just breaks my heart as it would break the heart of any person who has not  sold their soul to the devil.

“Revolution” is only a word, but a very strong one at that; a word casually thrown as a bait to the powerless, who are hoping against hope for the slightest sign of sustenance to hold on to; with the inhuman intention of deceit and foully. Never mind the words, strive for the essence beyond the veil of words.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Imperfect Rose

Last night I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in a garden, beautifully lush garden of green and red. Red being the roses, bright, like drenched in thick blood. Now, anyone who hears this would be inclined to think it was a good dream, a happy one but the complication follows. I was not satisfied. I was frustrated, deeply annoyed. I was so irritated that I was losing interest in life altogether. I wanted to leave there; I either wanted what I so desired or I wanted to give it all up, a deliberate, stubborn bipolar idea. The very obstinate reason of my annoyance was, “perfection”. I could not find the perfect rose.
I touched a few buds here and a few bushed there, I almost plucked a rather ripped flower but then I didn't. The garden was like a maze and searched tirelessly all over the place but to no avail. The one I had in mind was just not in sight. I knew it was there somewhere, it absolutely had to be but behind a veil I could not penetrate.. yet.

Now, what strucks the mind the most is the rational understanding that perfection does not exist, we as we are here in the inevitable perishing world are the earthly reflection of our heavenly forms, the people, the birds and everything else; if we strive for perfection we will go thirsty.

What is wrong is to have a mental image of “how it ‘should’ be” which is a very idealistic and therefore non-realistic image of things. You cannot beat yourself up on how things should be rather accept how things are, try to change then to suit your taste and if they don’t, well, accept things as they are. Most importantly accept people as they are. Love them as they are; which is not to say that they should not improve or try to improve others for better but firstly not by manipulation; secondly, not something they actually like about themselves; lastly not because it’s something you can’t deal with because you absolutely must not try to change people to your taste, rather if you try to change them at all, let it for their good, not the good that is your good, but what is genuinely good for them, regardless of your existence.

“Perfection” is fantasy. The only perfection is The Lord God Almighty and the prove of that is the fact that he has repeatedly stated in his verses that he will forgive us if we shall ask for it because he know we had sinned from the beginning of time and that we will continue to the end of times. I believe that is the best and the only example of perfection, to accept that nothing is perfect.

So the veil will lift, I will come across my perfect rose once I understand that it is perfect in all it's flaw and glory, only then will I cherish it. Only then will it be perfect.

Friday, 25 July 2014


Often people don’t see, rather under the pressure of their instantaneous rage, they fail to notice the difference between “lie” and “un-true” yes there lies a difference between these two seemingly similar terms, and a very radical difference for it is of “intention”. Although it is said that the worst pains are inflicted upon from people with good intentions, nevertheless intentions matter. It is easier and more understandable to forgive a person who went astray on the path to doing good for you than anyone else.

Sometime a person does not lie to you, however what they may say to you may be un-true. For example, somebody said they would do something for you, and at that moment they truly meant it with all the honesty in the world but then they don’t simply because they didn't feel like it; now this does not mean that they don’t care about you but that they don’t care about you in that particular moment because it’s not possible to see rainbows all the time.

What will happen next is that you will question them, because nine out of ten times people are held responsible for their words, which they fail to recognize. So when you will question them, you will indirectly be raising finger at their sincerity which you in your position are perfectly credible to do but in their position, it will be an “attack” so depending on the person’s maturity level the person will get defensive. Defensive not only against you but also against their own self because their conscience and their true and deep care for you is not letting them get away with the idea that they momentarily didn't care so they create justifications not only to satisfy you but also to satisfy their conscience. For this purpose they will first make their self believe the excuse they present and then will try to convince you, hence telling the “lie” without believing it to be a lie themselves which explains how they are not actively telling a lie, rather saying un-true statements.

Lastly to clarify, good intentions are not a regular excuse to deceive ourselves and those we love and sometimes no matter how intensely you want someone to care, they will not! So don't try to use the idea of "un-true" in place of lie just because it fits to your convenience. To determine whether the person truly cares is completely up to your and only your judgement because the chemistry between two individuals is a matter to their discretion only. Know what you're doing and decide with reason and understanding of the other.

Friday, 30 May 2014


The people you hate most are the beloveds who die. You hate them for leaving you behind in this ugly pit of a world. You find them selfish because they escaped from their troubles, selfish and cowardly. You envy them because they migrated to a better, more peaceful and less complicated a place than the one you are in. You hate them because you miss them, you miss talking to them, you miss hearing their unique voice, you miss having them around and the granted feeling you had because you thought they will be around forever or at least you weren't ready for them to leave yet. Because it never occurred to you that there is no "forever" in here. You hate them for dying. Most of all you hate them because you can't stop loving them and the gap just wouldn't fill. Lastly you hate them because you know that time will eventually numb the pain and sweep you into sweet oblivion but that is not what you want either, you love them so aggressively that you want the pain to stay - again - forever and every passing moment that dulls the pain leaves you feeling guilty, insensitive and conscienceless.