Sunday, 25 December 2011

Adam's posterity

So when you have it, it just lies around in your room. Every now and then you may take notice of it, and sometimes -but not as much as you thought you would, in the beginning- make use of it. You still think it’s beautiful, you know all It’s qualities and it has more of them than you initially thought. Sometimes you get the time to admire it, and sometimes you don’t because there is an everyday routine of your life, and not that it isn't a part of that routine or that It’s not important enough but look at it this way; water is so important that you can’t live without it, but you don’t go around drinking it all the time. Despite all your routine, your lack of taking notice of it and all your carelessness, if you find out that it might be snatched from you or it actually gets taken away, your life has a fair chance of turn up-side down, and most probably it would.

Such is the nature of this son and daughter of Adam, and never in another million years will this vary. But if its bothering you, know this and tie it to your immediately-negative-thinking pea size of a brain that if he is like this, so are you –a little less, a little more- but you are; and likewise for you, gentlemen.